Keith 20th October 2022

A memorable climb. Paul and I had discussed trying a long, hard multipitch climb, something that would really test us and be something to remember for sometime to come. We found one that was the appropriate grade but something in the guide we didn't understand, marked on one of the abseils was an exclamation mark and something written in French, neither of us having a great grasp of French we decided to press on and worry about it when we came to it. As we climbed we soon realised it was hard, but every pitch was great from technical slabs to ridiculously exposed traverses. As we got higher and some of the pitches taking longer due to a few falls we decided this would definitely be a long day out and was starting later in the day such a good idea? On the penultimate pitch Paul set off and after only a few metres up and around a corner he stopped. 'I'm at the belay' he shouted, this seemed odd but as the pitch was meant to be quite long but he insisted so off I went to join him. Something still didn't seem right as I went off on the final pitch, then something really didn't feel right. It got harder and harder and this was meant to be the easy last pitch. After falling for the second time Paul decided that then it might be a good idea to consult the guide book. 'My mistake' he shouted up. 'that wasn't the belay, we are on the wrong route and does droit mean left?' After some cursing at our ineptitude we finally got to the top and then started the abseils back down, after the second abseil we reached the one with the exclamation mark and soon discovered what it meant. Below us was a least 200 metres of absolute nothing as we seemed to be at the top of an overhang, with no way back up off we went to find you had to abseil 50 metres down then start swinging to reach the rock to set up the next abseil. Absolutely terrifying. Eventually we made it safely to ground level and the walk back to camp arriving at around 21:00, exhausted, sore but extremely happy. A very memorable climb.